It's actually neither, at least the basics of it, it's invoking the power of God that has been given us without it being directed by and under the authority and rules of God.
Basically using the principles of Christianity (as well as Judaism) with Christ as its authority removed.
This started quite some time ago, remember "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen from just after the turn of the last century along with quite a few other books along the same line, many published during or shortly after the Depression years.
This is another of those things that would be considered in the movie "Time Changer" although not directly so.
Magic and prayer to false Gods are similar, Magic being done directly as shown by the confrontation of Moses with the Pharaoh's magicians and such with praying to false gods being more like praying a specific repetitive prayer a certain number of times daily to some 'saint' and basically asking him or her to accomplish the feat for you (something also having a large amount of popularity)..
These things actually work for those who believe and put their faith in them. Remember what Jesus said about faith and how it could accomplish virtually anything.
But they are not Christian since they leave Jesus and the Father's will out of the picture entirely (along with salvation) and use the power God created in us, when he created all things, to accomplish our personal will without regard to it being subservient to that of the Father or done in the manner the Father gave us.
This is a very intense subject, one that goes way beyond just 'manifesting' your dreams and can be used in a Christian, secular, or anti Christian manner. It could easily be discussed far beyond the limitations of an internet forum and bringing both Biblical and secular concepts into it.
It's best to stay away from it unless you have a very thorough foundation in your Christian belief since it can easily lead you to the darker side of things without it.
This is how I see it.