No, as I only ever have, I define fact as that which is verifiable.
... by what you currently define as "natural." A closed circle, IMO.
The supernatural is not verifiable
Obviously not by the natural ... you've simply eliminated any possibility of verification by eliminating it from reality.
It is an assertion made, but which has no compelling evidence.
"There is no supernatural." "God does not exist" Both are assertions with no compelling evidence. Again, if you eliminate any supernatural, then you've eliminated any possibility of evidence within such. Your ASSUMPTION is circular, self-authenticating. The exact thing you rebuke others for?
Of course, friend, in the sense you mean, nature is an assumption...... we both could be Martians hooked up to some electronic entertainment device PRETENDING that nature exists, physics exists, time exists.... we may not even be in the dimension we "think" we are.... "we" may not even exist, "think" may not even exist. There are ASSUMPTIONS here..... you've predetermined some are closed and will not be permitted "on the table", while others will be.... Some call that being "open minded" others the antithesis of that.
"Compelling evidence" Well, again, if you simply choose to disregard evidence as nonreality, then to YOU it's a non-reality. But friend, this does not mean it's a non-reality, only that you won't permit it. If all I will permit is things that are black, then it is a product of my assumptions that I reject the reality of oranges. THAT doesn't make oranges unreal, of course.
"Compelling". Seems pretty subjective, pretty slippery, lol. And of course, I think you mean IN YOUR OPINION - which you note is extremely narrow and exclusive. It MIGHT - just MIGHT - make you unable to "see?" To learn? Oranges just MIGHT be real...... you FEEL the "evidence" of non-reality is "compelling" simply because you reject anything not black? See my point?
The "issue" I see in what some call "skepticism" in themselves is that it is usually entirely void of skepticism.... it's just their chosen assumptions, their faith. Often quite unexamined (not saying so in your case); they then rebuke others for THEIR chosen assumptions which in THEIR opinion are unexamined.
We've had this discussion...... from various perspectives..... several times now. :smile:
And of course, respected friend, I'm NOT suggesting stupid gullibility, I'm not suggesting tossing out reason for an equal embrace of any silly idea. But nor am I limiting reality to only that such most SCIENCE (in 2016) regards as it's tuff (at least SINCE a few microseconds after the Big Bang)..... I accept "nature" in the sense of physics since the Big Bang, but I don't mandate it MUST be limited to such - and thus, therefore, anything other than that CANNOT be real. And your rubric: you'll only accept "evidence" from science as you currently consider such since a few microseconds after the Big Bang and reject any "other" since that "other" isn't real only creates a circle that has no other possible function that to confirm your assumption. Seems like the very thing you are rebuking? And of course, you are left with the issue of what if TODAYS' "understanding" is as wrong as wrong as it was 1000 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago? What about BEFORE the Big Bang? What about outside our universe (and perhaps dimension)? Maybe the "evidence" you put SO much
FAITH in..... isn't evidence at all? Ahhh.... ain't always so tidy.
I respect your choice (although I see some "holes" lol)..... I hope perhaps you'd permit others other choices (even if there are at times "holes" lol)..... And yes, all should be careful of circular, closed arguments. And yes, the older I get.... the more I "know" .... the more small I feel, the more mystery "reality" is. Not always so tidy. You and I have the same love and embrace of "nature" (we have far more in common than may be apparent) .... I just am not "closed" to such, I lack the ego for that. And I've come to appreciate realities beyond the lab and the majority view of scientists in 2016 (which may be VERY different 50 years from now). Reality likely is bigger than the synapsis of MY brain.... in 2016 (time itself is!).
I only offer this as an explanation for my views, not to be combative or completely dismissive of beliefs..
I know. And I appreciate greatly! Please accept my expressions also as just my expressions, not to be combative or dismissive of the "reality" you embrace. I "get it" more than perhaps you presume? And PLEASE don't take any of this as personal or as an "attack" on you. Not at all. IMO, you and I are coming at this remarkably similarly - just making different assumptions; choosing different faith. Know this too, friend. Do I consider it POSSIBLE that when I die, I'll just... die? And perhaps all this God stuff well..... isn't? Yes, of course (it's also possible I'll wake up from some dream and discover all "nature" was.... wasn't). But meanwhile..... I have peace, joy, strength, courage, hope...... I know love, mercy, forgiveness..... I have been moved to love, to give, to serve, to comfort..... and in MY opinion, those things are very real (not to imply some pragmatism as foundational).
Well, we're off topic..... and we've been over all this turf......
Thank you.
- Josiah