Many years ago there was a tv show where the wives from two very different families would trade places for a week. One was pretty zen, I believe an energy healer, did yoga, had little Buddhas in her garden, very earthy. The other was a very far right-wing Christian. Unfortunately, it was the Christian who started freaking out about communing with the devil in that home, screaming that she was a prayer warrior, moving around from room to room screaming judgement and spewing hatred. As I watched that, I was really rather embarrassed to call myself a believer. Sadly, that kind of thing goes on, though maybe not to that scale. But to the unsaved who it's directed to, it's that scale.
I am "friends" with an old neighbour who has moved out of my neighbourhood. This person is amazing, does such good work in the community and for the earth (eco-aware). "They" are so good to visit with, depth of conversation and the purpose is to increase understanding and connection rather than find things to disagree or get mad about. Can't say enough good things about them. This person is transgender, and they know I am a Christian, but sometimes their posts come across my fb page, which are extremely persecutory and angry towards those who persecute those in the LGBTQ2S+ community. They can say the same thing about us - they "have been treated the worst by the best." It's when we take on others' perspectives that we can then begin to show the love to which Jesus calls us. It's not about how "they" treat "us"; it's about how we treat them (not just the LGBTQ2S+ community, but other marginalized groups and races as well). An even better thought is to put "us" and "them" aside and start thinking about the "we."