Quite so, except that it doesn't actually apply to "anyone, anywhere."Is the question intended to ask where we think it should end or where it actually ends now.
Where it actually ends now seems to be that if anyone, anywhere, claims to be offended by something then it crosses all sorts of lines and the speaker deserves to be cancelled for ever and ever, amen.
Quite so, except that it doesn't actually apply to "anyone, anywhere."
About half the population is fair game for whatever the speaker chooses to call them, even if it's completely absurd (think "white nationalist" and "Russian asset").
Ether that, which I'm not discounting, OR you are a deliberate oppressor, racist of course, and well-off, etc.Sure, if you're white, conservative, Christian, or some combination you are an unperson and therefore aren't included in "anyone, anywhere"
Ether that, which I'm not discounting, OR you are a deliberate oppressor, racist of course, and well-off, etc.
It doesn't matter that you probably are actually none of these because, you see, you are SUBCONSCIOUSLY oppressing others who are unlike yourself, thanks to being (probably or possibly) related to someone from 300 years ago whom you'd never heard of.
And if that doesn't apply for some reason, you are nevertheless said to BENEFIT, even unknowingly, from something left over from the past.
That's the claim, even if you were actually born in poverty, suffered rejection from the more prominent people in society, were stigmatized as having been from the wrong side of the tracks, were denied a good education, and were disadvantaged in a dozen other ways that the spokesmen for Wokeism never experienced themselves.