I like to learn
MY interest in coming to a Christian website like this primarily is to discuss theology, Scripture and church tradition. I understand that this site (and often other Christian sites) permits and welcomes other topics and subjects, too. And I'm certainly okay with that, it's just not my interest in coming HERE. I'm also very interested in various aspects of physics but I never discuss that here or even bring it up - I go to professional science sites for that. And my professional life suggests a need to know and discuss things related to my business but I go to appropriate websites for that.
There are MANY things I deeply appreciate about this site.... and why I return. Often just for a couple of minutes as my work permits (a brief break in my day).
+ Great contributors who generally are knowledgeable and respectful.
+ Rules that are minimal and intuitive, evangelically applied.
+ Great staff and staffing.
What would I like to be different? Well, I wish there were more Catholics and Orthodox here, their views are under-represented here (and at most Christian discussion forums). And all of us could be better listeners and more careful/accurate teachers.