If your country were invaded, would you fight or flee? I read a poll recently about which political groups in the US would mainly fight and it made sense. I don't have a gun but I would get one and fight.
If you don't have a gun, I would get one now while you still can. The democrats will do all they can to take them away or take away the availability of ammo. Purchase one now and start buying ammo for it every chance you get.
I can't see any country trying to take over the U.S. militraily, unless nukes were used, whereby a rifle won't help much. But, you still should have a rifle. Why? For self-defense.
And...my opinion...the U.S. is going to fall from the inside. The cracks and divides are already there. And there is no bridging them. The politicians love to talk about our unity but we have no unity. They love to talk about how 'diveresity' is our greatest strength. But that is a lie. Diversity brings division, not unity. Our unity was based upon the Constitution. But they have continually made it a point of division also through change and manipulation.
The U.S. is a tender box waiting for a flash point to ignite it. The fighting will at first probably take on political divides, conservative and liberal. But once it starts it will quickly devolve into a race war between blacks and whites. And you certainly are going to want a gun for your defense at that time. Why? Because when races fight, there is no mercy given. The hate runs to deep. There is no ability to identify with your enemy.
Again, that is my opinion. So I would get a gun now.