With all these hurricanes, lava flows that are happening now do you believe he controls them or do you think its just nature?
God ordains all things. This does not mean he causes all things. God did not cause sin, but he did ordain it. In other words he gave approval to its existence.
God ordains all things. When lava erupts and zigs left rather than right, it is by God's ordination. When a bug splatters on your car windshield, it is by God's ordination. When a hurricane stalls out over Houston and Beaumont Texas, it is by God's ordination.
Nature is God's creation. It is His observed design. Nature can do nothing except by God's ordination. God is so vast and so great that we cannot conceive of such grandeur and power. What is remarkable and amazing is that this vast, incomprehensible God chooses to call me his son by virtue of Jesus atonement for my sins. Amazing. Simply amazing grace.