The People's Republic of California is a ONE PARTY state.
The Democrat Party owns the state. The Governor, the Senate, the Assembly, the Courts - all are entirely dominated by radical, liberal Democrats (or communists). And the press here is all radically liberal. Democrats get a "free ride" since the press always supports them.
The Republican Party here has largely shut down. There are still a few isolated spots where a Republican serves in the US House or has an (impotent) Republican in the State's government, but these are very rare. San Diego has a Republican (in name only!) mayor but he's termed out and will be replaced by one of two very liberal, radical Democrats (the two have a run off in November). No other major cities in California have a Republican mayor. In 2016, Trump didn't even campaign here in the general election - no Republican has since Reagan, it would be a waste of time because California would vote for the devil himself if he was a Democrat.
I love California! It's a WONDERFUL state. But the government ________.