Hyper is a made-up term by synergists such as yourself, Josiah
How you discredit yourself when you evade discussion by accusing others of ABSURD things. Everyone here KNOWS I'm not a synergist.
Interesting how hyper-Calvinists go on constantly about how logical they are.... and they prove themselves right by FALSELY accusing others of being wrong on some other matter and "ERGO" declare self right about something else.
No, as everyone knows, I'm not a synergist. But that doesn't make me a hyper-Calvinist, it just makes me a monergist.
you cannot accept that God is 100% Lord over all areas of life.
Quote me where I stated that.
You have that problem with MUCH that you post, you have zero substantiation, nothing to quote.
I accept that God is 100% Lord over all. That doesn't make hyper-Calvinism or hyper-Arminianism correct.
scripture guides over ego
I agree. So, we're all still waiting for that verse that says "Jesus died ONLY, EXCLUSIVELY, SOLELY, JUST for the few, the elect, the church."
Hyper-Calvinism and Arminianism are both radical, late, tight constructs that are NOT at all biblical or traditionally Christian. Both are the result of very egotistical men appointing self to ask questions and then designated self to answer them and then turning those into dogmas (which God must accept or He is illogical). Each CLAIMS their construct is logical bur it is OBVIOUS they are anything but (as each side proves of the other). Each side CLAIMS their invention is bibical but neither can find verses that remotely say what they do and must radically spin a LOT of Scriptures to say the opposite of what they do to avoid admitting their stance is actually very unbiblical.
Admittedly, there is MYSTERY involved in Christian theology at times; God has not revealed or explained everything (nor is He obligated to do so), We can ask questions but no one appointed anyone to answer them dogmatically and then tell God He's wrong when God says otherwise. Luther said, "Humility is the foundation of all sound theology." That includes the humility to SHUT UP, to not think ourselves smarter than God or appoint self as the corrector of God. We'll have "loose ends".... there will be times we can't "connect the dots." It's okay. God is soveriegn, not self. God's ways are NOT our ways. What God says is true - whether we can wrap our puny, fallen, limited, sinful brains around it or not. God is Lord of us.... it's not the other way around.
For you: God's atonement is universal, but God's ability to save is limited. God fails to save because human will is greater than God's will.
Quote me where I stated that.
You know you can't because everyone here at CH knows I've never said that and never taught that. I hold to the Protestant Theology of Sola Gratia - Solus Christus - Sola Fide. When faith in Christ is present, justification is present.
For me: God successfully saves all whom He has chosen because God's will is greater than the human rebellion against God.
True enough, that just has nothing to do with TULIP and nothing to do with the radical dogma invented by a few latter-day hyper-Calvinists that Jesus died for ONLY a few. You like to play the shell game, always changing the subject.
Arminians came up with a tight, closed system - it seemed "logical" to him but it's simply against Scripture and Christian history (and logic, too)
Some hyper, extreme, latter-day
Calvinists (realizing Arminius was wrong) simply reversed everything to come up with an EQUALLY tight, closed system that seemed "logical" to them but simply is against Scripture and Christian history (and logic, too)
Both sides have proven the other to be both unbiblical and illogical - and they are both right. But since both are profoundly egotistical, because both are tight and closed systems, because both thing THEIR (terrible!) logic trumps Scripture, either sees what is obvious.
Now, if you want to change the subject to Monergism vs. Synergism, we'll be on the same page.