Here's how I understand this (ain't saying that's saying much)....
The kind of non-surgical CLOTH masks being discussed offer MINIMAL protection - mostly to others (thus from an infected person perhaps unknowingly spreading it). But it ain't much. And whatever slight benefit to OTHERS could be cancelled if people fiddle with their mask (as people tend to do), thus touching their face. It may be more of a gesture than anything... but in balance, it MIGHT be more good than harm. IF we had the surgical ones, that would be a real help but..... what is, is.
The front page of the local newspaper was all about this - even with a couple of ways to make these (since you can order masks from Amazon and they will arrive in September, if you're lucky). My wife found a pattern online and is busy (even as we speak) making them for family and friends. How much good will they do? That's debatable (although you CAN stuff coffee filters or even vacuum clearer filters inside them to make them better). Lots of patterns online, she told me.... designed for those with no sewing ability (just fold and tie) to those that require significant skill and a machine, and everything in between.
Interesting days we live in....