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  1. Lucian Hodoboc

    What is one school subject you were never good at?

    What is one school subject that you were always the worst in class at, and could never understand or care for? 🧐
  2. Lucian Hodoboc

    When you hear that someone has converted from Christianity to another religion

    Whether it's a celebrity or an acquaintance from everyday life, when you hear that someone has converted from Christianity to another religion, how does it make you feel? 🤔 What do you do? Do you pray for them? Do you periodically check to see if they returned back to Christianity?
  3. Lucian Hodoboc

    You get 1 billion dollars, but you have to stay single for the rest of your life

    You get 1 billion dollars to use in any way you want, tax free, but... for the rest of your life you have to remain single (no romantic relationship whatsoever, no friends, no family). You can have acquaintances, work colleagues and servants, of course, but not one single person will ever show...
  4. Lucian Hodoboc

    "A sheep spends its entire life fearing the wolves...

    ... only to be eaten by the shepherd in the end." Food for thought. I've always found the sheep and plants (wheat, trees/fruit etc.) metaphors from the Bible very uncomfortable. They make me perceive God as some sort of omnipotent creature that raises us only to devour us as if we were sheep...
  5. Lucian Hodoboc

    Dr. Charles Stanley dies at 90

    FOX 5's Buck Lanford has confirmed First Baptist Atlanta Senior Pastor Anthony George that the influential Atlanta faith leader, Dr. Charles Stanley, passed away peacefully at his home Tuesday morning.
  6. Lucian Hodoboc

    You just told about the Gospel to your favorite comic book character

    What is his/her reaction and what does he/she do afterwards?
  7. Lucian Hodoboc

    I don't like summer

    Summer is the worst season. Awful heat making it difficult to breathe, occasional thunderstorms, insects everywhere. It's like someone gathered a bunch of annoying things and made them happen at once. If I could move to a country where it's cold, without rain, all year long, I would. Not the...
  8. Lucian Hodoboc

    Check out this unique goat

    A goat from Pakistan named Simba has two ears measuring 54cm (21 inches) each. Simba’s breeder, Mohammad Hasan Narejo has to fold the ears over its back to stop it from stepping on its ears. Narejo said that he has approached Guinness World Records to register the animal as the world’s “Greatest...
  9. Lucian Hodoboc

    How would you depict the 7 heavenly virtues in oil paintings?

    I want to paint the 7 heavenly virtues, either personified or as actions... or in any other ways, so I need ideas / suggestions from you. All input is appreciated. Thanks in advance. God bless you!
  10. Lucian Hodoboc

    Do you think God approves of Christian discussion forums?

    In light of the verses from the New Testament that seem to prohibit useless discussions about doctrine, do you think that Christian internet discussion forums go against God's Will?
  11. Lucian Hodoboc

    If you could have any animal in the world as a pet...

    ... except for the animals that we currently consider regular pets, such as cats, dogs, hamsters, fish, birds etc., which animal would you choose and why?
  12. Lucian Hodoboc

    Show her some love on social media

    I invite you to read this girl's story in the following article: ‘You have a tough road ahead.’ That was an understatement. I had to accept the possibility of dying before I really got to live.’: Chronic illness warrior says ‘I’ve so much to be grateful for’ . I found it quite emotional and...
  13. Lucian Hodoboc

    The Random Acts Of Kindness Week

    Not a lot of people know this, but there's an annual celebratory week for kindness. It initially started as a single day and over the years evolved into an entire week for celebrating random acts of kindness. This year, the week started on February the 11th and will culminate with the Random...
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