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  1. S

    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    In your personal and fallible opinion In your personal and fallible interpretation. I have already replies to this claim In your personal and fallible interpretation. I have already replies to this claim In your personal and fallible interpretation. I have already replies to this claim I...
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    You don't. You just make stuff up I didn't dismiss it. I pointed out that Mathews gospel, which some claim was based on Mark's gospel, omitted it. And I addressed it. I pointed out that: First of all the Greek word translated as family or friends in MK 3:21 means, according to Strong 3844...
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    Maybe? Just pure speculation. More speculataion He isn't obviously doing anything of the sort. That's just your invention Just admit it. You interpret the Bible through your personal lens of anti-Catholicism in order to justify your false teaching.
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    I disagree that there was anything negative about Jesus' words First of all the Greek word translated as family or friends in MK 3:21 means, according to Strong 3844 "beside, near, from, in the presence of, with, by". The footnote in the NIV says "associates". Secondly Matthews version of the...
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    Devotion to Mary began in the early centuries after Jesus' death. Satan is clearly identifies as the dragon Jesus is clearly identified as the child "who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron.” a reference to psalm 2:9 Mary is clearly identified as the woman who brought forth that male...
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    Prayer practises.

    It's Stephen I've covered this already: As I have already shown, those in heaven are aware of what is happening on earth Lk 15:7 & 10, Rev 6:10 and Heb 12:1 The "bowls of prayer" don't "come up to God", they are being presented to God. The 24 elders represent the 12 tribes Of Israel of the...
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    It's the other way round - a woman (Mary) symbolising the Old Testament people and The Church. We can see that she is primarily Mary because: a) woman is identified as giving birth to a son, “a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod”– reference to Psalm 2:9 & Rev 11:15...
  8. S

    Prayer practises.

    Those on heaven are aware of what is happening on earth. "I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance".(Lk 15:7) They know someone on earth has repented and they are rejoicing. The point is they know...
  9. S

    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    You are just repeating your failed argument so I'll repeat my reply. Perhaps you could try and answer it this time. God may not have wanted a king at that time because they weren't following him but their own desires. Hew knew they would not consult him but choose a bad king. When they were...
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    It is not my logic that is flawed but your ignoring the word of God. God may not have wanted a king at that time because they weren't following him but their own desires. Hew knew they would not consult him but choose a bad king. When they were shown what their own choice was bad God gave them...
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    Mary - Queen Of Heaven

    God promised David his throne (i.e. his kingdom) would last for ever (2Sam 7:11-16). At the Annunciation the Angel says to Mary that her son (Jesus) “will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the...
  12. S

    Prayer practises.

    Lots of opinions there. And until you back them up with scripture that's all they are, and not worth arguing about. Moreover you just keep evading my questions. Your said "When asked how to pray by a disciple, Jesus taught to pray directly to "Our Father"" I asked "When Jesus taught them how...
  13. S

    Prayer practises.

    Are you saying the people in heaven are dead? But Jesus said ““I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die..” (John 11: 25-26, And they know what is happening on earth: "I tell you, there will be...
  14. S

    Prayer practises.

    So, according to you it is OK for someone to ask you to pray to God for them, and you will do it. But it's not OK for you to ask someone else to pray to God for you. You don't see an error with that? Assuming you are referring to your post #7 then my reply is in post #8. And we are back to...
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    Prayer practises.

    But as I pointed, out we know they heat our prayers. We know that those in heaven are aware of what is happening on earth. Lk 15:7 & 10 Rev 6:10 We also know that (at least) some of those in heaven are presenting out prayers before the throne. Rev 5:8 & 8:3 Tobit 12:12 Paul asked people to...
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    Prayer practises.

    No they are not God. They are not omniscient. If they hear our prayers it is because it is God’s will that they do and He will make it possible. God makes things known to people as he wills and makes possible. Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a...
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    This is nonsense More nonsense. All this garbage ultimately goes back to that charlatan Alexander Hislop and his piece of fiction - The Two Babylons. If I get time, and I'm a bit short of time at the moment, I'll start a thread on Mary, Queen of Heaven with Biblical support for that title.
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    Mark 13:10

    You keep ignoring what I write or distort it. You cannot supply evidence that Nicodemus wrote a gospel. You cannot supply evidence that Nicodemus was a follower of Jesus. I'm wasting no more time on this.
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    Mark 13:10

    Not true. They knew Jesus came from Galilee A requirement for what? The point is that they reckon no prophet ever came out of Galilee. They didn't ask for a thorough investigation. They just asked Nicodemus if a prophet ever came out of Galilee (implication that Jesus could not be a prophet)...
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    Mark 13:10

    Just because John mentions some (not all) of them in various places it does not mean they were one of the twelve apostles. Nowhere does John give a list of the twelve. In your opinion You cannot prove it therefore it's your opinion; not a fact. Not trolling. Just pointing out that your have...
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