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    Daniel Does Not Reference a 7-Year Antichrist, Rapture, and Tribulation

    Jews settling in the Holy Land alongside everybody else has been a recurrent occurrence throughout the centuries; and some emigrated since 1948; while I'm not necessarily saying that "means" anything, of course! Your mutually "discerning" each other is heady to behold - I'm admiring of it...
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    Prayer and God's Will - Why Do So Many Christians Misunderstand?

    This is why we have to use critique and inference, including on how to receive Holy Spirit meanings. Farbeit from me to specify who show how do that and who don't. Holy Scriptures not only point us to Holy Spirit but to non stop prayer. Farbeit from me to specify who teaches us that and who...
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    "Reformed" (non denomination specific) subculture question

    Curiously I just found this wording on their Charities Commission page: "Regular small group meetings for the teaching and open discussion of the Christian message." What does that jargon mean ???
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    "Reformed" (non denomination specific) subculture question

    I just found out one of the main animators was a missionary in Peru. Perhaps he is burned out and typically that's not a concept for that sort. I'm going to continue checking out the people that recently began warming to me; perhaps they will make a stand as well and more effectively than me...
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    Prayer and God's Will - Why Do So Many Christians Misunderstand?

    This got dumbed down by mean hearted preachers, the problem for belief on all matters. The shorthand slogan without the longhand reality in our souls.
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    Prayer and God's Will - Why Do So Many Christians Misunderstand?

    Carl Jung put it, "Until what's unconscious becomes conscious, it steers your life as if fate."
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    Daniel Does Not Reference a 7-Year Antichrist, Rapture, and Tribulation

    A time, two times and half a time almost certainly doesn't mean three and a half (or seven) years; and the OT prefigures Christ a great deal; but it's not honest to couple so many issues to some alternative numerology instead. What happened to agnosticism? Why do you think Jesus ascended? To...
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    Realistic AI videos and kids

    There's not enough life or growth in them - not impressionistic - and isn't going to be. If they were medieval or ancient paintings, we would say they were bad of their kind (from trying too hard): caricatures but lacking in point. I've a lifetime of oldfashioned critique and hermeneutics, and...
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    Small churches acting like bigger churches

    (further) If I am to make so extra bold: Don't use sectarian "bibles" (I do have one big product in mind). Even youngish christians have got the experience of several different churches behind them and confirmation bias / bias confirmation is dangerous to minds and relationships. For example...
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    Small churches acting like bigger churches

    If the music is good and doesn't need much amplifying, also if it (more likely) needs less amplifying (but they will never believe that), downsize your "audio" kit VERY drastically Visual projectors are so inefficient anyway, downsize those anyway Simplify "home groups" as follows: ~ don't...
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    Prayer and God's Will - Why Do So Many Christians Misunderstand?

    Laws of nature are the clockmaker's clock and interventions by God and His good angels may be very small or occasionally noticeably large as when the USSR decided not to take over Austria (something entered into their calculations, not to). I suspect these coincidences (while more than that...
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    The end of the world

    Yes, that is why every generation after you, however few, will be grateful to God that you were able to explain to them how Holy Spirit works for us as described both before and after Jesus' Ascension. That is why the same present eschaton began that Thursday afternoon and is continuing until...
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    Isn't it time for you all to repent of schism?

    another p.s Works of mercy are a thing christians should do for each other without implicating detail of doctrinal, sacramental or organisational matters. Joining in threads is a way of lessening schism already so thank you for the opportunity!
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    World population

    Some additional elements in my opinion are probably as follows. 1 ~ theologically this is a way of demonstrating that our "spiritual lineage" - people to whom revelation was revealed and who talked about it - was specific and providential amid contingencies. Besides A&E there is brief mention...
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    Isn't it time for you all to repent of schism?

    p.s I don't declare an interest, as it is likely to derail the substance of the discussion. I hope I have not been blunter than was in fact intended to be elicited. "Schism" is itself relative. I think Jesus likes plurality at some level as it can allow for sincerity. St Paul says do as you...
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    "Reformed" (non denomination specific) subculture question

    In one of the previous phases in my life about 40 years ago when I was a fairly young man, christians didn't describe themselves as "reformed" - it seemed to mean Luther - and behaved and interacted differently, and allowed each other to act differently, from today. In those days if my sense of...
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    Isn't it time for you all to repent of schism?

    The rock is the belief expressed in that place (post 55). To remember Him is to honour the gift of Holy Spirit in those smaller than oneself, if one is a leader - a challenge to all the churches. Real Presence is effective when these beliefs are alive in those present. You haven't reckoned on...
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    Come on, be objective, honest, and admit that Matthew 16:18 is about saint Peter.

    I think the part of Jesus' thrust here, that's most relevant to us, is slightly less ad hominem than the quoted sentence above seems to imply. The conclusion beneath it is nearer the mark in that specific respect. I think Jesus is addressing especially "whoever like you". Please see my...
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    Isn't it time for you all to repent of schism?

    And neither does its onion-like (and eyewatering) organisational "set of outlines" (and conflicting affiliations of whatever "communion"). Jesus said bear one another's burdens, not carry organisational baggage further than you have to. "This" rock means the place where they were standing...
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