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  1. M

    Never mind

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    Never mind

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    Titan submersible search

    Who cares.
  4. M

    Is this behavior OK?

    Oh wait. Everyone could order a soup or something, but only he did? Then he shouldn't have to share. I thought he just ordered only for himself and started to eat.
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    Does the bible say anything about "climate change"?

    They should give cows better food. They have permanent diarrhea. I feel sorry for farmers who have to quit, but not for the ones who have an insane lot of pigs or chickens crammed together. Ppl don't have room for a house, but our whole country is full of pigs, that they slaughter mainly for the...
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    Henna Tattoos

    No I'm more into chewing gum tattoos.
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    Question regarding contractors

    Give them coffee? I once had a guy install a new kitchen. I called my son when he was ready, to come look how beautiful it had become, but son was busy with a game, so I called: Paul! Paul! Come look! Pau-aul!!! Come! Guy comes. Yes yes. I was busy. LOL he was also called Paul. He thought I was...
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    Ephesians 3:20

    It says He can do more than we think. I pray that He heals my dad and then boom the whole old ppl's home is saved and healed, yes please, awesome, but I don't believe this is about stuff or money.
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    Hello! Welcome to CH!
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    What is the dumbest fee you ever had to pay?

    When I was too late to pay the monthly obliged healthcare money. Had to pay 100 extra. Immediately left and went to another company.
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    A big money purchase

    That car we bought ages ago. What a lousy thing. The guy 'lost' the book and my ex's dad was a mechanic and saw it was a lousy car and we took him with us, but he very shy gave a tiny hint. Eventually, after it needed a new motor 2 times, it was blowing blue smoke like crazy and they stole the...
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    Your weirdest habit as a child

    Eating paper and grass maybe.
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    What is the best excuse

    I cannot come today because I have to mumble mumble mumble. What did you say? Repeat until they give up. Then you don't have to lie.
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    Your personal strength

    the joy of the Lord
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    Cheese eaters

    Old Gouda, Swiss cheese, cumin cheese, Pecorino, Parmagiano Reggiano oh and not to forget soft nut cheese, French cheese.
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    The Messiah and the 3 days and 3 nights timeframe of Matthew 12:40?

    I believe it's just literal and that hell is in the magma. Jonah died and he went behind the foundations of the mountains. That is not in the sea or in the fish. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, And You heard my voice. 6 I went down to the [a]moorings of the mountains; The earth with its...
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    Christian based businesses?

    I know one copy shop that's christian. The owner is christian and everyone who works there.
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    Guy accepts Jesus at a pride

    He was open, he prayed after them that he wanted to follow God and he has a follow up meeting. He already knew God. He needed deliverance prayer.
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    Dutch tv biologist gives birth to larva

    Here's the cute video from the birth: Dutch TV biologist Freek Vonk "gave birth" to a larva in his leg The Dutch TV biologist Freek Vonk "gave birth" on Tuesday night to...
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    Guy accepts Jesus at a pride

    😀 As a teen I was a fan of Rock Hudson. He died of Aids. A few years ago I found out that he got saved. A nurse lead him to the Lord.
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