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    Dutch tv biologist gives birth to larva

    Here's the cute video from the birth: Dutch TV biologist Freek Vonk "gave birth" to a larva in his leg The Dutch TV biologist Freek Vonk "gave birth" on Tuesday night to...
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    Highly important local news Childless vulture couple in Arnhem zoo adopts two-week-old youngster Two black vultures (black vultures? We call em monk vultures) at Burgers' Zoo in Arnhem have adopted a...
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    Hero from Annecy There's a film in the link. The hero of Annecy: images show how Henri (24) chased off attacker after stabbing in playground An armed man stabbed four toddlers at Lake Annecy on Thursday. And there might have been even more, had it not been for 'the man...
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