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  1. H

    What do you think should be a Christian church’s stance on smoking weed?

    There's lots of health benefits of marijuana, not just smoking it. More and more every day they're finding out more things that it helps. Jesus drank wine, did He get drunk? No. The Bible doesn't condemn marijuana itself or wine itself, only drunkenness and let's not forget addiction. Plus hemp...
  2. H

    Sorry to upset anyone, but Easter is pagan worship, but celebrating the resurrection isn't.

    I know this isn't going to be something people want to hear, but with Easter coming up, this is important. This is a tract I made, which uses scripture to justify the message. It's not important to follow culture, its important to follow God. We will be judged on how we follow The Lord, our God.
  3. H

    Ecclesiasticus 28:2 and the Lord's prayer

    Absolutely. Forgiveness is easier than the emotional part. It takes a while to let go sometimes. I'm such a sinner, reformed by Christ, I couldn't withhold Forgiveness from others. How could Christ forgive me? I pray for the hellbound souls, until they die at least, because if I didn't, who would?
  4. H

    Christian who can write rap lyrics

    I made over 100 songs and need a person to write or possibly sing some lyrics to them. Email me at (staff edit of private information) and let's collaborate.
  5. H

    What are some biblical insights that you can get out of the movie Aladdin?

    I don't watch movies with magic in them, the bible says not to entertain sorcerers, or demons. (Djinn are genies). I attached a Google search on the link, (in purple) with scripture, so it's not me saying this, and I'm only saying it because of what the bible says. I had to cut out a lot of...
  6. H

    -This is for people who feel the same - I don't celebrate Christmas day, but I believe in celebrating Christ's birth.

    I have many reasons why I don't celebrate Christmas itself. There are loads of pagan worship hidden in it, and scripture tells us not to adopt pagan practices. I have a tract I created. For those of you who don't celebrate as well, I'd like you to take a look. This isn't to point out people WHO...
  7. H

    Being baptised

    I consider baptism a need before Jesus was born. He was baptized to show that it was right to do, but after He died, you only need the baptism of the Word and Spirit.
  8. H

    Lving biblically in the current times

    I'm only talking about myself, none of what I say applies to others, unless ye yourself say it. I'm starting to quit playing video games after 25 years of heavy daily playing. I'm also giving up a lot of movie media, because it's all about sex, magic or both and it's created a gap in my life...
  9. H

    I have a Christian Cache of resources free

    *Update* I found someone who will print the tract, and am going to get it done around April.
  10. H

    Using Profanity -- Please read

    I'm glad to have found people who try to live by the Bible's standards. Thank you all for trying to abide by God's law, I am as well and this is good to see others as well.
  11. H

    I have a Christian Cache of resources free

    Sorry Admins, for the link. Won't break the rule again. Thanks for the welcome.
  12. H

    I have a Christian Cache of resources free

    *UPDATE* I found someone who is willing to print my tract out. I'm going to try them out in April or March, Praise Jesus! (I took screenshots of the tract, and it is below.) "Am I Following God in a way that pleases Him?" is a tract I REALLY I want to get printed (in Jesus' name), but I don't...
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