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  • Do you still drink the Dew?
    hotrhymez new addiction is Mountain Dew Code Red (its cherry flavored and its amazing!)

    I like the new design to the site.....did you make it?
    No, Romanos found a really cool theme and I like the way it looks too. I haven't tried Code Red but maybe I will someday when I think I can handle all that caffeine.
    Could you do me a favor and go into the Arcade and see if you can play any of the games? Romanos opened it up to all members for the holiday and psalms 91 noticed that no one has gone in to play except for himself and one other person. Please let me know, thanks!
    Hi! It's going alright hr..Trying to get my health in better shape. How you doin?
    I have 2 bikes...a road bike with skinny tires and a mountain bike. We haven't been bike riding this year yet because of my surgeries and I don't feel I could ride long without having issues. We'll get there. How far do you ride around your neighborhood?
    It's my wedding anniversary tomorrow so we're going out to eat! 28 years of marriage and 6 years of dating before that. What do you have planned?
    We went out to a restaurant and had shepherd's pie and it was really good! I'm not sure I ever had it before...have you?
    Spending time with family. You? We're making homemade ravioli tomorrow.
    It was nice. We had a lot of different foods to choose from. How was your Thanksgiving? What did you do?
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