Recent content by Iron Mountain Mark

  1. Iron Mountain Mark

    What are we being saved from?

    I made this video concerning one of the real reasons for salvation. It is the cause and effect of all things. And there is only one who can lead us into the knowledge of how we overcome it and through whose power we need to do it. Sometimes, in our daily life it is easy to ignore the real...
  2. Iron Mountain Mark

    Notorious Prostitute vs. Your Family of Faith

    What have you been taught about Babylon the Great? I put this video together to share what I believe God showed me concerning this, but I talk to you first about your family of faith and the implications it has in the end times. This is a 40 minuten video, but you will glean some information I...
  3. Iron Mountain Mark

    The Beast and its soldiers

    Are we not marred by sin, but yet we are told to be holy as He is Holy. I won't name names of pastors who are not teaching about sin. I like the analogy of pouring cement. If that is the comparison then it becoming pretty sloppy, not mixed right and uselessly poured in the wrong places. Sin is...
  4. Iron Mountain Mark

    The Beast and its soldiers

    I hear and see too many along with their congregants living in the land of inbetween. One foot in babylon and one in the kingdom, can that really be done? Proclaiming while quietly disclaiming by one's own lifestyle, show me how that isn't true, today or any day? The writers of the bible said...
  5. Iron Mountain Mark

    The Beast and its soldiers

    This is a video I made about the beast and some of its foot soldiers that I believe we have been allowed to see a preview of in our time. But when they return they will be ready, but so must we. I realize it would be hard to combat 100 years of recent teaching on this subject, all the diagrams...
  6. Iron Mountain Mark

    Do we need prophets today?

    Why do we need prophets when we have the bible? Well, the simple answer is it is one of the gifts Jesus gave to the church to help equip us until He returns. (Ephesians 4: 9-16) There are many attributes to this gift and one of them covered in this video is timing. Will you listen? Will you...
  7. Iron Mountain Mark

    Update from a word of the Lord a year ago

    Every day is like yesterday, until it's not and then it is too late. The "Day of Reckoning" was a word of the Lord I shared last spring which came to me late winter 2020. It was really the beginning for me with a word that has prompted me to share more with you about what is coming and encourage...
  8. Iron Mountain Mark

    Is my reply right about addiction?

    I wrote something to someone concerning someone else who reached out in a online forum looking for help. I was asked if I heard back from the person, because I answered his post. This is what I wrote, beside the grammar do you think what I wrote was right? Here is the email. (my reply)...
  9. Iron Mountain Mark

    God had given these dreams from 30 years ago about today

    I know we can be skeptical concerning dreams, specially after the last 6 months. I have always been skeptical knowing that God is more interested in you as a person overcoming sin in your life through His help than hearing Jesus came back to fight King Kong and godzilla then took us all out in a...
  10. Iron Mountain Mark

    These signs will accompany those who believe

    Good to understand where things should go🤞
  11. Iron Mountain Mark

    Another sign that will accompany those who believe...healing?

    Jesus said, one of those signs that will accompany those that believe...they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover Years ago I think teaching on healing was such a prevalent teaching and practice. Yeah, of course we see some saying the ritualistic prayer or practice of it, but do...
  12. Iron Mountain Mark

    These signs will accompany those who believe

    Yes, you listed many more here as signs that follow them who believe. I hope verse 18 one of many interpretation of that today could literally mean "taking up trouble and forced inoculations" or metaphorical "taking up trouble and hearing falsehoods and propaganda" it will be no means hurt them.
  13. Iron Mountain Mark

    These signs will accompany those who believe

    Jesus said, one of those signs that will accompany those that believe...they will cast out demons. I know this topic can go one of two ways, either you have those looking for a demon under every rock or in every purse or in every person. Or we really don't perceive someone could have an evil...
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