There is a contrast between Jesus in the temple driving out the merchants and Capitalism in religion urging people to profitable enterprise.
I had to stop at around the 20 second mark. The very opening statement is completely false. We are led to believe the world is "capitalist" - but this statement is completely without the context that puts it into perspective - the ownership of the world and the major powers that run it and influence it is not due to capitalism based on a fair system - but capitalism based on a rigged system.
The monetary system that is behind our capitalist system is rigged, and has been for a very long time. That is the problem. Because of this the system is not a fair capitalism - it's a complete monopoly that destroys true free markets through the artificial creation of credit and debt slavery. Among the many evils of the system is one where there must be constant growth (of profits) which leads to all kinds of evils.