Well it's been a while since the JW's came knocking on my door, but they came today. I was fortunate enough to have just exited my premises and had the slight amusement of watching a 30ish fat woman pick her way through my yard, accompanied by an older woman who appeared to be at least in her 60's.
Carrying a watchtower, of course - opened up and pointed to a quotation of a passage from the OT with the pitch "if we really believe the bible is God's word...". These introductions are pre-planned and scripted to some extent, of course.
I just took their publication and said thanks. Wanted to know my name. I told them. Introduced themselves. Ok. That's nice. Have a nice day now. Goodbye. They really don't want to know me, and wouldn't be open minded to anything I had to offer in the way of an opinion. They are just doing what they think is their duty. Bye! Watchtower stuff is set aside but will likely be dumped next time I see it.
I do admire the JW's for their anti-war stance over an above other denominations, I'll give them that. That aspect of their religion keeps them from murdering others for whatever the State of the time thinks is in their interest.