Actually, I had put together a little skit for a guy who wrote this:
But on reflection, I don't think I need to do it. I never had any meaningful dialogue with said individual except under Juiceboxxed - where I rebuked him for assuming somone else was one my alternates and that he "had my card marked".
In any case, I think his own words (the ones quoted here and elsewhere) speak volumes about who he is. So, no need to be "captain obvious".
That subforum is filled with individuals who's major concern seems to be reaching the top of some percieved social ladder - and some of them think nothing of stepping on others to do it.
It shows who they are. Opportunists, slanderers and persons of poor character flying around carrying their "christian" fronts.
Very few people have approached me from that forum to apologize for any misdeeds. In the case of a few, that also says quite a few significant things about them.