You keep referring to the acceptance that what is observable and testable is reality as some kind of faith.
No, I never remotely suggested that. [Friend, it would be helpful if you quoted the words of my post that you are replying to]
You make assumptions based on your faith, your "world view". That tends to create your "box" - the "reality" (in its broadest sense) that you accept. For TubbyTubby, that's a certain (it seems extremely limited) embrace of only what is physical/material and "see-able" to him. While you only now responded to my requests for YOUR 'box', we learn yours is similar.
What you seem to be doing is demanding, mandating that all docilicly submit to your faith, your assumptions, your "box", your "tools", your arbitration. This seems typical of the few Atheists I've encountered, often indicating that those who don't so submit to them are not enlightened, intelligent, informed, educated, honest.... even at times questioning their humanity (as I wondered in a previous post where - consistently - "all" people only includes those who submit to THEIR faith, THEIR box, THEIR methods.
I more or less accept this as a definition of reality...that the natural world that manifests itself in various ways is what we collectively call reality.
So..... your faith has created a very small "box" of what YOU deem "natural" THUS, ergo, the supernatural is just out-of-hand dismissed.
And there's that questionable "we". Who exactly is this "we" you and TubbyTubby keep talking about? What 'manifestation' and what "various ways?"
Of course, most have a faith that creates a bigger box. In the USA today, roughly 80% or so consider the supernatural to be real and to have manifested itself in "various ways" but evidently, they are not "we." And evidently you reject their "various ways." Who is this "we" and this "collectively" you keep talking about?
Or are you simply mandating that "we" docilicly submit to "YOU?" To YOUR faith, YOUR assumptions, YOUR 'box' - at least if we are among the "we", the enlightened, informed, honest, intelligent, modern homo sapiens?
Sure, we could all simply be part of a sophisticated simulation running on a machine (none of us can prove this isn't the case), but taking what we see and measure as reality yields useful results.
So, your awareness that your created "box" COULD be wrong is irrelevant and of no concern to you.
HUM. Do you extend that same respect to the vast majority of people who have a different "box" and you? Even if they can't "PROVE" (??) that, even to themselves and certainly you make it impossible for such to be "proven" to you? So, you realize your "box" springs from your faith?
HUM. Do you respect that equally from others who don't share your box?
Yes, no doubt about it, although not perfectly, not always, the stuff in your box "fits" with the stuff in your box. My work in science DEPENDS on that very typical situation. But it has nothing whatsoever to do with anything we're discussing, and certainly as nothing to do with any claimed reality outside your box. It only means that the natural will tend to affirm the natural (big surprise). But what seems absurd to ME is the insistence that what is OUTSIDE natural MUST be confirmed exclusively by what is INSIDE it, you insist on "proof" (??) of the SUPERnatural from the natural. Kind of silly, isn't it? Kind of like PROVING I have $2000.00 in an account in the Bank of Switzerland but insisting one can ONLY look at accounts at the Bank of America..... like insisting all must PROVE (??) their is life on Mars but can only study the Earth.
I have not rebuked your faith - and thus the 'box' you've created for yourself. All the implied mockery has flowed the other way. But I HAVE noted (and I wonder if you all BUT are admitting it) that your 'box' is the creation of your faith no less than it is for all people (here I mean "all" to mean all people, not just those who agree with ME as I suspect you and TubbyTubby mean). And I've noted the inappropriateness of the demand that the supernatural be made subject only and exclusiely to the natural and if such cannot be "proven" (??) by YOUR methods as arbitrated by YOU to be natural, then it's been proven to be false or at least unfounded (if not the other things thrown as those you don't share YOUR faith - unenlightened, uninformed, unintelligent, silly, stupid, flowing from insecurity and weakness, brainwashed and the other things Atheists at times state or imply is the case with those who don't docilicly submit to THEIR faith, THEIR "box", THEIR methods, THEIR demands, THEIR arbitration. Why, at times, I wonder if those who don't so submit to their faith are even considered to be fully human (as in "all" do this.... "all" accept this..... "people" do this..... all leveled to show that the small minority who share your faith are the real "all" "we" "humans"? Probably not, but disturbing nonetheless - and getting to the issue of this thread). I don't think you are unintelligent or uninformed or insecure or deficient in any way..... just perhaps inconsistent, applying a double standard. I think at times Atheists ironcially accuse non-submitters of the very thing they themselves do.
I am skeptical of any box that includes things for which there is no compelling evidence
I mean NO disrespect whatsoever, my friend, and I'm SURE you are sincere there, but step back. Can you see the
pure hypocrisy in that statement? What faith, what "box", what "method" are you EXCLUDING (entirely!) from your skepticism? Can you see the imposition you are making if YOUR faith, YOUR box, YOUR methods, YOUR arbitration as you speak of "things" "compelling" "evidence?" This whole sentence is an absolute contradiction. As I predicted, you aren't skeptical AT ALL, not a bit, not in the least. You simply desire all to docilicly submit to YOUR faith, YOUR box..... your "skepticism" is simply a choice to reject all you don't accept. You have not even displayed an willingness (perhaps even ability) to be skeptical.
And (again, sincerely, NO disrespect implied)..... it can be very insulting, very disrespectful to the vast majority of people who do not share your faith, your box, your methods, your arbitration. And (IMO) are NOT therefore ( as a direct and mandated result of not docilicly submitting to YOUR faith, YOUR box) ignorant, uniformed, unintelligent, brainwashed, deficient, bigoted, wasting their time ..........
A box that includes the supernatural does not increase our knowledge.
Well, not YOURS. Why? Because it's outside your chosen, your created "box."
And again, I note that "ours." You never define who this "we" this "all" this "our" is. Seems to me you are at least rejecting 80% of the the American population - and perhaps 95% of posters at CH.
Now, if the "we" are those who submit to YOUR faith, YOUR 'box", YOUR methods, YOUR arbitration...... I "see" your point. Obviously, they have limited themselves to the "knowledge" in that created 'box' and exclude anything beyond that. But it's pretty .... well, I don't want to use the word... to insist that there THEREFORE cannot be any "knowledge" outside YOUR created 'box.' I think a more honest way to put it is that you reject the possibility of knowledge that fits within your box will be found outside your box. I'd agree with that.
And notice how your statement is just "poo-pooing" (rather disrespectfully, I might add) what others regard as knowledge - even knowledge of the most profound, most important nature.
If you step back..... I wonder if you can see the disrespect, the insult in what you (however unintentionally) posted? And the irony since you seem to be demanding that all respect YOUR faith, YOUR box, YOUR methods, YOUR arbitration, what YOU define as "knowing?" And can you see the complete, total LACK of any skepticism on your part? Rhetorical questions, my friend .... but ones I think you'd benefit from honestly exploring.....
I don't at all rebuke you (that's always coming to ME from atheists).... I just think atheists do the same thing most people do: Consciencely or not, examined or not - our faith has created our 'box' and then we tend to operate within it. Thus being unable to work outside it. It HELPS, in a way, if we are at least aware of what we're doing.... if we examine it and admit it..... it helps to understand others and to respect others and tends to limit the rather insulting, dehumanizing, disrespectful things as we've even witnessed in this thread - on all sides, including (albeit entirely unintentionally!) from you. You speak of "examining" but you've never once indicated an ability or desire to examine YOUR box. You speak often of "skepticism" but indicate a seeming inability or unwillingness of any skepticism whatsoever toward YOUR box (although in passing you seem to admit the possibility of error, however absurdly). I don't reject what's "in" your box (although I embrace it FAR more lightly than you.... perhaps my theoretical physics classes causes that).... mine is just bigger than yours. But I'm NOT calling your intelligence or faith or humanity into question in the way Atheists seem to do (however subtly and perhaps unintentionally), I respect your choice. It's just I've never seen it returned (quite the opposite). And... what I find so ironic.... is that these very same Atheists rebuke others for the very identical same thing THEY do (sometimes worse).
I won't change your box (and that's not my intent). BUT I do hope you can step back a bit and use a tiny bit of that "examine" and "skepticism" you talk SO much about.... on yourself. ??
Thank you.
- Josiah