Sorry, but you and Bill are full of crap. I've mentioned in this thread about my wife and her ailments. I have to take her to the doctor on Friday to have more tests run, not so that they can find a cure, but so that they can slow down the progress of her disease. I've mentioned that if you and Bill were correct, then your faith in prayer should result in her healing. So either you are completely wrong in your beliefs, or you just don't care about my wife enough to pray for her healing.
I'd hate to think you are a cold-hearted bastard.
anger is like that stems from discouragement . im sure abraham and Sarah went through times like that also .especially when they reached an age where the promise became the impossible.
but two things .. first ,no, i have not prayed for your wife. i did not even know to pray for her . But i am happy to Do so . and i advice you to ask God to bring across your ath people of faith to also do so. avoid the prayers of unbelief.
we are not wrong to believe in the word of God that he is faithful and true to it.
when i pray for a person and they do not get healed ,that is a lacking in MY faith not theirs .
folks using death as an evidence against the word of God are in grave error .they forget that we are ALL to be raised again from the dead ,thus even death does not hold us because of what Christ had done on the cross .we are healed of death also .. and all sin and sickness ,left unattended ,results in oppression suffering imprisonment and death ... in short , everything the lord JEsus died and rose again to free us from .
can God heal your wife ?YES
is it his will to heal your wife ? YES .. he already displayed that when he became flesh and took upon himself all our sin and the process and result of death it results in.
we go back to the word of God and there we renew our minds and repent of believing the voice of the spirit of this world which says ..God cant God wont .satan is a liar -Jesus said so . no where does the Lord JEsus say he can't or he wont .
My wife is crippled from 2 months old ,we lay hands on her weekly sometimes daily and we pray -because God wil heal her -he said so .we don't give up ,we persist .
shall we cast off faith simply because of what we do not see ? that is not living by faith ,htta is living by sight .
faith in the word of God (JEsus)is all we need ,faith it is increased by the exercise of it . we don't need "more" we simply need to use it more .
a few years ago i struggled to believe and ran to the doctor for every ailment (in some cases it is wise so that people do not get accused of neglect in a world legal sense -but don't put your faith in them ..they drug us up the suppress symptoms ,they often make addicts out of people and imprison us further to drugs -they seldom heal ) but i have repented of doing so and begun afresh to have my mind renewed and to ONLY believe . and gently i have begun to see the fruits of doing grows .
just last week when my two+ year old began to cough after going to bed and the cough grew and increased ,sounded awful . we went in, i lay my hand on him and commanded that cough to get out of him in the name of JEsus .. i did so 3 or 4 times and on the last time he began to roll about in his sleep almost thrash .then he shuddered and a loud sigh came out of him and he lay still and slept in peace and did not cough any more at all . so yet again my faith gently grows .
i prayed for a ladies arm in a cast and we heard the bones creaking . she had the cast on too long because it had not been healing .the next day she got the csats removed and is fine . -faith grows .
in our home we have begun to notice a change of the levels of good health .not because we don't get sickness ,but because when it comes we "drive it out in JEsus name , we do not accept it as some unchangeable circumstance we must endure - faith grows .
it is so difficult when discouragement comes it crushes us and embitters us and the enemy sweeps in on it and adds his oppressing weight ,, but the lord Said .resist the devil and he wil flee .. you can let the crows cover your roof and block out the sun ..or we can get up and chase them away .
we do not let circumstance dictate and change the word of God , we stand fats to the word of God and according to HIS WORD we change the circumstance .
another here has said .. jesus said to take up our cross and follow him , the cross is the burden of the work of the Gospel,, not the burden of sin and sickness and death . he freed us from that burden. we are to do as the lord said .. take up the cross .well here is another thing he has said . GO and HEAL the SICK . ! yes he told US to do it . which means he knows we can -interesting isn't it . we must be so careful who it is we are listening to .especially during times of discouragement . our response can bring us into the full promise of God or make us slaves to the bondwoman's child .