The idea of music that is Christian is an interesting one, as it seems very closely related to the notion put forward by some people that rock music (or rap, or opera, or whatever else they happen to dislike) is evil.
Ultimately music is little more than the air vibrating so it's hard to see how it can be inherently good or evil. But, like so many other things, it can be used for a range of different purposes.
I like some traditional hymns, in church I prefer more contemporary songs as long as they are still lyrically useful and theologically sound (if they aren't theologically sound I'd personally like to see them removed from church completely, even if they are catchy).
What I listen to recreationally isn't a whole lot any more but as a rule I like anything that has a bit of passion in it. I like classical, I like thrash metal, I like some opera, some jazz etc. I find the modern bands that are little more than identikit managed groups intensely annoying.