My rabbit got sick Saturday. Late and in the weekend when the already expensive vet is 3 times as expensive as normal. Now I had some extra money for this month, but my ex bought the kids jackets, so that was gone. I could borrow some from my mother, but the other rabbit I had had it too and that costed me around 300 during the week, but he had it bad and it was worth the money. He got injections and it was over. Head tilt.
I saw her turn her head to the left and back continually and the eyes were also going in circles. E cuniculi. Now I kept all the old meds and I had 2 unopened panacur, which is just anti worm stuff for cats you can buy anywhere without doctor's advice, so I could give it immediately and it immediately got better and 6 hours later after the 2nd dose it was gone. If you look it up,normally it at least takes weeks. I also prayed. Asked dr. Google and gave the pain meds for the nerves too. Massage her belly, force feed, bought basil, carrot leaves and all that stuff and she's doing great. I'm not going to the vet. All they will do is look, ask to come back and give the same meds I already have for at least 150.