I've been single so long now it's easier to talk about the benefits. There's a lot of freedom, for one. Since becoming a widower, I've found that many women want/expect a lot more than I am willing/able to provide. Nope, I won't be getting a job that pays X because she has standards that are mostly related to her materialism and social vanity. Nope, I will certainly not adopt your particular brand of faith. It's nice not to have to celebrate religious holidays I don't believe in. It's nice that if I don't like my in-laws, I don't have to see them.
Jealousy, the agony of being cheated on, heated arguments and the intense hatred/spite/insecurity that can characterize some relationships is also absent.
Is she a Vegan? No? Oh right, so now we're paying for unnecessary meat, dairy and eggs. Which I have to smell on her. Then the extra $$ for pharma products to mask the symptoms of her colds and flu's - which mostly come from animal product consumption. A corporate television watcher? Oh geez, now I'll get to hear about the latest propaganda she was hypnotized into believing.
Speaking of propaganda. When the whole Covid garbage was being spewed 24/7 on television and radio I did not ONCE see a couple without masks. Even if he didn't want to, or she didn't, one of them was a coward and pressured the other. The only people that were brave enough to stand up to the bs appeared to be individuals.
Holy crap, and has she had the clot-shot? I shiver at being intimate with someone who has tiny robots in their blood and a massive increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.
Ok, on the flip side...what sucks about being single:
Loneliness. I'm a loner and have been most of my life, but it does become acutely painful at times.
Sex. Nuff said.
Having someone around that loves and cares for you is a great blessing.
It's said it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. To be honest, I don't know. I know what it's like to lose love and it's so painful and lasting calling the balance is tough.