People are motivated by a lot of things like trying to fill a need they might not know they have, living out a dynamic from early childhood, etc. Tango's friend might have a sense of learned helplessness, borne out of codependent relationships or maybe a sense of entitlement due to lack of parental boundaries, or he might simply value life's pleasures over sound financial management. I believe that our early childhood sets us up for a lot of automatic behaviours as an adult, and because they are automatic/outside our awareness, we are practically helpless to do much about it. I have to say, though, that once you become aware of them, you can then make a more conscious decision of whether to continue the decisions or change how decisions are made.
I have made some pretty sketchy decisions for a few reasons: attachment style/daddy issues, wanting to get noticed/accepted, replaying family dynamics, not having boundaries, stubbornness (or determination, depending on your philosophical bent) and other reasons. The Lord was with me, though, even in the consequences of those poor decisions, and he kept me safe a lot of times I didn't deserve it. He is a merciful God!