It's the responsibility of parents to support themselves in their later years.... Thus the need to save/invest, paid off debt, and often live below their means. My parents are now both retired - and make more money than they did when they worked, even without taping into well over $500K investments. Why? They have social security and Dad has a generous pension which together pay more than they made. They made sure to have house paid off years before retiring and to be debt free. And those investments are there for emergencies. They planned carefully.... invested generously.... and yes were blessed to work for a company with a very generous retirement program (many don't). BTW, they also both have long-term care insurance so that if they need medical are in some kind of facility, that would be paid for 100%.
BUT they were blessed (in addition to being very responsible). Retiring debt free and generously investing meant they always lived BELOW their means. This just doesn't always apply.... very responsible people may still find themselves unable to support themselves in retirement. And yes, there, I think the "first line" of support are the kids. Whenever possible.
But in any case, WE need to plan so that OUR kids won't need to support us. And that starts at college graduation.