I got sick of the political garbage on there. So many people turn every little thing into a political rant, so many people post nothing but political memes as if the decision how to vote was as simple as a 5-second soundbite on a single issue, while at the same time acting as if people with a different opinion are intellectually deficient in some way. I guess knowing very intelligent people on both sides of just about every issue constantly reminds me that most things aren't as simple as many make out.
In the COVID age so many people who wouldn't know science if it jumped up and bit them post garbage like "I follow the science, that's why I (insert quote from TV talking head of choice)" but if any discussion about science follows it's clear they know nothing beyond what the talking heads say.
And then there are the endless sponsored posts. By the time you take out the political garbage, the sponsored posts, and the drivel from Facebook about how much they care about me, there's precious little of the stuff I actually want to read. Things like what my friends are doing. If I have to actively seek out their profiles to find out whether they quit posting or it just doesn't show up any more because Facebook considers it more important that I see a sponsored post about replacement guttering, then the fundamental purpose of being on the site is lost.
One thing I can say I'm pleased to have achieved is that I've managed to pollute the data they have on me such that the things they think I'm interested in is almost completely wrong, and their assessment of my political opinions is completely wrong. Perhaps taking in information and opinion pieces from both left-leaning and right-leaning media makes it hard for them to drop me into a neat category.