If we are to be trusting and not stumbling over mystery, why were the apostles told to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves
Wisdom does not equal proclaiming our "answers" to our questions to be God's Truth....
It is often most wise to admit God's ways are not our ways, to admit God very likely knows more about Himself than I do. Sometimes the most wise thing one can say in these matters is "God knows... I do not." Sometimes the most foolish thing one can say is
"I'm SOOO smart that I know what God forgot to declare.... I know the absolute answer to my question.... God agrees with me or God wouldn't be as smart as me."
Wisdom means holding to the "MYSTERIES of God" not eliminating them with my opinions. Never does the Bible say, "Fill in the blanks for God so that God seems to be as smart as you." The Bible says we are "STEWARDS (caretakers) of the MYSTERIES of God."
Guardians of the
My doctrine teacher noted that RARE is the heretic that said too little, nearly always the heresy is because the man said too much. Or to put it another way, heresy rarely flows from humility, it is produced by pride.
Martin Luther: "Humility is the foundation of all sound theology."
, and why does the apostle John advise Christians to test the spirits?
Because foolishness abounds..... But we are to test it NOT by how it jibes with MY feelings, MY opinions, MY brain but by what GOD has declared in His inscripturated words.
To the point of this thread...
There is NOTHING in Scripture (or Tradition) that states that children are born with divine holiness and moral perfection... and remain so until 8:00 PM on their 8th birthday (or whatever magic date the heretic may invent out of thin air). We are sinful... by nature.
Nor is there ANYTHING in Scripture (or Tradition) that says children are SINFUL but God is unjust with them and doesn't hold them accountable.... indeed, the Bible says that (at least with humans) death is the punishment for SIN. So if children die, they MUST be sinful or why would God punish someone for something they are not accountable for? Children die (even in the womb).... death is the punishment for sin..... "the wages of sin is death."
And again, IF it's true that children are born sinless and saved... born with divine holiness equal to God and divine morality and love equal to God UNTIL 8:00 PM on their 8th Birthday when
suddenly - pow - they become sinful, fallen and unsaved.... then the best way to insure they go to heaven is to kill them at 7:59 PM (no chance then that they'll go to the alternative), the means of grace would be abortion and infanticide but that's not what the Bible prescribes.
A blessed Christmas to you and yours....