When I was in high school (around 1991/92), I took a small engine repair class (which included some welding). Anyway, I wasn't much into vocational courses - instead often taking college prep stuff. However, though, I had fun in the vocational one I was in and regretting not taking Building Trades and Greenhouse.
I never went to high school (long story, but yup, I sort of skipped it) but I'm opposed to having much "trades" courses there. SOME.... maybe permitting 3 or 4 such courses during the 4 years... but there is MUCH that should be learned in the "solids." It's good to have an educated man (who happens to earn her living as a plumber).
What I am very much in favor of is
community colleges. We have these all over California.... they are VERY easy to get into.... they are almost free.... and one can do lots of things there: never take a "solid" but learn how to be a diesel machanic, learn to be a chief, learn to be a dental assistance or vocational nurse..... or complete the first two years of college (as I did) and automatically transfer to one of the best universities in the nation (as I did)... or any combo thereof. For like $20.00 per credit. With evening and weekend classes for those working. With childcare offered right on campus at greatly subsidized rates. THAT I support! THAT I made use of. But here's the deal.... IMO all who enter should have (or in combination get) a high school diploma - With English classes and the ability to read well and write well, with 4 years of science and at least algebra, with at least some knowledge of history and civics, etc. Essential if they are heading toward a BA and highly beneficial even if they will be doing computer repair.
Another reasons I passionately embrace community colleges is that they are "second chance" schools. In Europe, typically a person has one shot (and that determined when they are maybe 14!!!). In the USA, we believe in second changes (third, fourth, fifth, sixth changes, too!). People can go to a community college in California at ANY age (yup, I was 12 when I took my first college class), with or without a high school diploma (I don't have one, just a Ph.D.), and one can change their major 321 times. A FEW take advantage of these (as career students) - and that DOES need to be addressed - but I LOVE the idea of second possibilities.... the idea that college need NOT be a "one time" thing done when one is 18-22. And that there's nothing wrong with trades. BUT I think this should be done AFTER high school (or high school combined with it). Education is a good thing. Education blesses and enriches - not only our work but our lives and society.
- Josiah