The RCC foundationally REJECTS any and all Authority. And it does so the same way all dictators do: by declaring self the Authority, the Infallible one, the Lord over all, the Judge, the Jury, the Mouth of God. See the latest edition of the ever-changing Catechism of the RC
Denomination # 87; see also "The Authority of the Chruch" by LDS Apostle/Prophet Bruce McConkie.
It could be argued, perhaps, that President Obama is the most powerful, most authorative man on the planet. But this has NOTHING to do with him being unaccountable, NOTHING with having unmitigated God power, NOTHING with being infallible, NOTHING with when HE alone speaks ergo God Himself in Heaven Above must submit and agree. AUTHORITY embraces accountability to something OUTSIDE and ABOVE and OTHER than self. What the RCC does is a pure dictatorship - a full renounciation of authority.
Protestants look to an Authority outside self: the objective, unchangable, knowable words of Scripture. The RCC looks in the mirror at itself and declares: I'M the Authority! I'M the Lord! I'M the Voice of God! I'M the Teacher. I'M the Interpreter. I'M the arbiter. I'M unaccountable. And the constant, perpetual din of the RCC is singular, powerful and LOUD: "Docilicly submit to ME as unto God Himself." Friend, that has nothing to do with authority, it's the purest most radical form of dictatorship: the obstruction, prohibiting of authority.