That's what a hare krishna (we call ppl after their belief in holland, a jehova is a jehovahs witness, but anyways) told me. Years ago we had those orange dresses on every street corner. We also believe in Jesus but we call Him Krishna. I was so confused after the talk I stepped in the wrong bus and stepped out in the other side of town. Then another one tried to sell me his hare krishna book and its 2. You have hare and krishna. i said to him: how cute! Its a couple!
Lol my ex had an old friend who was into some crazy religion. Totally lost the way and he kept saying how dumb my ex was for not understanding 'being'. Anyways after an hour of this babble about being and me adding some dumb jokes to break the ice, my ex said to him: okay but what if you're wrong? What if those beings here in your room are not so friendly and demons? Oh well then I dont want em, he said.
Shall I check it out? said ex and he threw all these demons out of his house.
We have an old song about it. Hare Krishnas on the Dam put in your hand a letter how you can live happy. So to see and if you ask me they aint very happy themselves.