A possibly clarifying thought..
Job 8:3 says: Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?”
God has the power and authority and right to do anything He pleases. Yet He chooses to be just, and chooses to be seen to be just. Demonstrable justice is one of God’s hallmarks.
1. God obviously knew that the wonderful angelic being, referred to as Lucifer, was planning to rebel. God could have stopped him then. God could have punished Lucifer before he visibly became Satan. Cessation of existence was one of the fates within God’s power to inflict. God did not take action.
2. God could also have come down on that great angelic being when he first showed himself as Satan, in the Garden. God did not do so.
3. Why did God choose not to act on those occasions? The reason is that God chose to be seen to be just.
1. If God had chosen to deal with the apparently just and obedient being Lucifer before he revealed his rebellious inner nature, God would have been seen (by the angels) to be unjust.
2. If God had chosen to deal with the freshly revealed disobedient being immediately (in the Garden), but allowed rebellious humanity to live on, and even provide a visible way of escape for them, once again God would have been seen (by the angels) to be unjust.
3. But instead, God allowed Satan to live on, even allowing him to become “the God of this world”. The wisdom of God is thus revealed. When history as we now experience it ends, with the return of the Saviour, all the angels will see, as will all humanity alive at the time and resurrected mankind, just how continuously evil and continuously unrepentant Satan was. God’s ultimate dealing with Satan will be seen by all sentient beings, as nothing but undeniably just.
Would that explain why Satan wasn’t "stopped completely"?