UFO = UNIDENTIFIED flying object. It doesn't mean "Flying machine carrying aliens from another planet."
As I understand it, the original "Project Blue Book" was motivated by the possibility that the Soviet's had Nazi secrets regarding flight and weapons, and the POSSIBILITY that what was being seen MIGHT be such. After many years, they concluded that was not the case. I'm not sure there ever was a focus on little green men from Mars (although perhaps they kept that possibility an option).
I suspect the same is happening now. Military research continues... the US may well fear that the Russians have weapons unknown to us.
Lutheranism has no position on little green men from Mars.... pro or con. The Lutheran Confessions never mention them. There has not even been a synodical resolution regarding such. And as far as I know, the Bible never once mentions anything about life ONLY being on Earth or life being present OTHER than on Earth. Angels.... Heaven and Hell.... but not planets. So it seems there is silence - both in Scripture and in Lutheranism.