For some, this is what they believe and drive home as the Gospel of Christ. While some say many are strongly misguided and following this is aimless.
Insofar as riches and earthly power is concerned (the power to command, order, imprison, take life etc), it is exactly the opposite of Christ's teachings. From a biblical context "the rich" are not just those who have an abundance, but they are often associated with over-abundance and greed, to the point where they have undue influence over their fellow men, and the attainment of, and continued possession of riches, power and influence must be at the
expense of others, either outright, through subversion and/or deception or the occulting of knowledge. It is simply not possible for "everyone" to be "rich" in this sense. Nor is it a desireable goal for the meek at heart.
Human health, on the other hand, is something that is mentioned in both the OT and by Messiah through inference. "The pagans" run to and fro, afraid, wondering "what will we wear?", "what will we eat"? "what will we drink" - and how does Messiah respond? By referring to nature. The health of our bodies are tied to nature, how we live and what we consume. I have a peach tree in my yard, and I rarely eat peaches. Every year, the tree brings forth fruit that is not gathered and winds up rotting on the ground. What's in a peach though? Peaches contain compounds that slow and even kill some cancers. Wow, huh? Edit: The compounds are heat sensitive - so they only work in fresh and unprocessed peaches.
Daniel and his men ate only pulse (legumes and vegetables) and water, and were healthier than all the Babylonian King's men.
I believe the Prosperity gospel contains a message that has some truth, but is adulterated also with false teachings.