hehe let's pick apart that first article and see what the author wanted out of a church service since he was unhappy with what happened. Firstly, he complains the service was long. Oh, let's see, you can't endure an hour of prayer Jesus told the disciples before his death? Aren't humans impatient that they can't give time to God, what is wrong with us? Oh yeah, we're sinful humans.
Onto number 2, bells and smells took back the author to his drug induced college days. Ya, nuff said! HAHA
Third complaint repetitious chanting and prayer and EVERY prayer included invocation to Mary and the saints but I hardly believe that guy because, well, his drug induced college days. Maybe George will provide us some of the prayers as proof text, whaddya say?
4th point, a bit of scripture reading but no teaching. Um ,yeah, so hearing God's word in the chanting isn't teaching him enough, eh, so maybe he fell asleep like the disciples and wasn't listening hard enough? hehe
Number cinco, he didn't like the artwork. Cuz that's a good excuse to not attend church!
6, no enthusiasm! He wanted the rock concert feel from his church because ya know the holy spirit can't be around unless there is some lively music to raise your hands to, ya know? That Holy Spirit can't possible be where two or three are gathered and feed them if the service is boring. Can he?
7th complaint, no pursuit of holiness. He saw some elders go out for a smoke, what'd he do follow them since he couldn't see out a window to watch them go smoke and yeah guess what, there were girls dressed not in long dresses down to their ankles! They can't be Christians then can they?
Eighthly, they chanted to summon God to perform certain acts. What's he talking about?
9 and lastly it was lifeless. Yeah, back to his big entertainment style need and like a Pagan service, cuz he might have been to one in his drug induced college days. Oh and witchcraft because they believe that rituals save them but if he'd a listened to their prayers he'd have heard their faith in the savior.
So much for that goof ball. Let's visit his church next and see how it pairs up eh?