Maybe I'm missed elsewhere??????? (probably not, lol).
Why I'VE left sites....
I've been active at probably a dozen or so different sites over 18 years or so, being pretty "exclusive" to one site at a time. I'm registered at probably 50 sites (shock) but I've been active at maybe a dozen. I've "left" eleven of those... Why?
1. A couple just... died. None of the early Catholic ones I got so involved with exist anymore.... they just became increasingly whimpy and worthless (I call this "Mr. Roger's-ism") and folks left.... in one case, I was the last guy out and turned off the lights. Some sites die.
2. In a couple of cases, evolution just happened. I evolved.... the site evolved (the only thing that never changes is change)... and I found myself at a community that simply no longer "fit." Sometimes Staff changed things in ways I didn't like or the community just changed. Happens. BTW, this is also why I never "connected" with most sites I joined. The last one (a few months ago).... I really like the people, the Staff, etc.... and I totally jumped in... but discovered what I'm interested in, well, no one else was... and that was pretty mutual. Nice site, nice staff, nice folks.... just not a good fit.
3. I've been kicked out (officially or just emotionally). This is the story at ChristianForums, CatholicAnswers, CARM. In the case of CF and CARM, I was SO foolish as to repeatedly return (often by staff invitation) and was stabbed worse each time. So foolish I can be. But I LIKED so many at CF and CARM that I was willing to do what was STUPID to do.... and paid the price. Staff can be over-zealous.... rules can be arbitrary and over-reaching.... arbitration can be politicalm arbitrary and personal. It has been STAFF that have pushed me out of some sites.
4. For ME, leaving a site is NEVER easy. I "bond" with the folks.... and miss them. And often there are some I can point to that really helped me - I learned from them - and there's a hole left. (Sometimes I try to get them to move with me - always a rule violation, lol) - but they are bonded THERE and don't want to leave any more than I did. I generally leave a site only because I feel I have no other option.