[Extremely tired so I hope you can read it]
She should be out of ICU and back in her regular room by sometime tomorrow (Saturday)
She was swollen with fluids but they went away over night and her hands are as beautiful than ever back to normal
Vitals are great! The fluid was released from her lungs and is being put back on normal oxygen supply, she got to sit up in a chair today and the overwhelming amount of guest kind of blew me out of the room (2 at a time) but I got to visit in between and had all morning with her... Her Spirit is incredibly high after seeing so many loved ones, my aunt prayed over her with oils and authority through Christ Jesus so when I left for the day she was very talkative and animated. The lung issue that sent her into ICU has gone away and give us a scare has gone away although the tumor is still there, but the fluids drained.. So they are moving her like I said OUT of ICU and back into a regular room where she can eat and have as many visitors as she welcomes to visit with her at one time.
She sleeps well at night and stays up all day being fairly active
now the main problem is still unchanged, her bone marrow is not producing the amount of platelets that she needs in order to receive her chemo treatment asap. So we are praying for a miracle with all of our hearts and with all our fight and prayer alike (soo many prayers!)
She was asked if she wanted to move into a room where they just try to make her as comfortable as possible as she gives up and lives her final days without vital reading and such without treatments but she declined! Said she wasn't done yet, she really wants to grow strong and pray for her platelet numbers to go up! Im afraid if they do it too soon that it would send her back to the ICU so for now they cant give her chemo, her platelets must come up! And thats all! Her chemo will produce its charm of killing tumors and cancers and she can go home for a while... But the doctors are just waiting for a right time, I think her bone marrow is shocked and cannot produce much, she as around 17 when she needs 70 for her to have treatment... So again we pray for her numbers to go up and also it would be a blessing for the tumors to just vanish completely!
That would be a miracle! So I've been praying for it!
Here's my awesome dad who has never left her side in over a month with my amazing mom sitting nup on her chair responding to her many prayers on her iphone