Passages like Matt 26:29, Luke 22:15-16, Luke 22:28-30, and Heb 2:5-8 suggest
that the people Jesus spoke of will retain their human characteristics, but it appears
from Matt 22:30 and Luke 20:34-36 that their libido will be disabled so that the
attraction they felt for the opposite sex in this life won't be a factor in their
resurrected life.
Also: In the beginning-- prior to the forbidden fruit incident --Eve's primary purpose
in this life was to accompany Adam not as his girl toy, but as his BFF. Seeing as how
marriage won't be a factor in the resurrection that Jesus spoke of, then I'd say it's
safe to assume men in the future will be able to get by okay without a woman at their
side; and women's purpose at that time will be quite different than Eve's.