Context dependent.
I follow when it makes the most sense from every angle. Such as if I'm starting a new job and need to learn how things are done there. After I'm there a while I may lead with some ideas on how things could be improved.
Otherwise, I don't see myself as much of a leader or follower when it comes to a lot of different things. I did more when I was younger, but most of the time now I just sort of blaze my own path. I honestly think that to a large extent the Internet makes this easier - as one comes to realize all the different paths people take in life, how different people can be in how they think, what they do and how they do it. The world of "what is normal" hammered into people by corporations, advertisers, and governments through the classic mediums (television/movies) has a large counterbalance in the form of the internet. I honestly think that that is why some governments (especially oppressive ones) try to limit their citizen's access to it. I should add that being single without a socially conscious partner also makes things easier.