I found my husband through my father in law. I met my father in law on a Christian website where he was admin. Well one day I was really lonely say I will never meet anyone. Let alone get married. Well he was like you should meet my son. (Who was in Iraq at the time) So David (father in law) emailed him and he emailed me back in April and we emailed till November when I got to come to Idaho and meet him and his family for Thanksgiving. :hearts: We fell in love with each other. He says he knew I was the one he was going to marry. (God told him) I spent a week there and had to leave and come back to California. It was so hard to leave him and his family. Then January or February came around and I come back to live.
Then in either August or October we were sitting around and his mother in law came up with this great idea. "Why don't you two get married" so your mom will be able to be there. (My mom had cancer at the time) So we told my parents what we wanted to do and we had like two weeks to do it. My parents did it all and the wedding was AMAZING. :smlove2: We had our wedding in Florida November 18th and we came back to Idaho and had a wedding here. Both were amazing but I will have to say my first one tops the cake! :hearts: