I do.
Nearly all housing developments built in the past 30-40 years here in the People's Republic of California have an HOA. Perhaps only because there are "common areas" (maybe just landscaped areas along the roadway and at entrances) but maybe because there is a gate, private roads, playground/park and maybe a community pool; sometimes the HOA takes care of all front yard landscaping. Mine has all these. And perhaps a need for some "rule enforcement" (for example, my project allows parking on only one side of the street - and this IS enforced). HOA's often try to keep the whole project looking good which does help protect values.
They can be a blessing or a curse. Mostly depending on the board. Are they helpful or nazis? Are they there to serve the community or be served by the community? In other words, like all government. And the problem is that usually, very few homeowners get involved. Board meetings are all open and public (by law) but sometimes, FEW (and occasionally no) homeowners attend these which means the Board gets no input - until they do something some homeowner doesn't like and then POW.