Pedrito’s top place would be awarded to God.
While not Part of history as such, He was the Great Architect who created it, and He also intervened in it. (And it’s just as well for us that He did.)
Second place would have to go to the Son of God, the Logos, who was sent and given by God for the salvation of Mankind.
He emptied Himself and became Man, and gave His unsullied life as a substitutionary death to pay the price of mankind’s sin.
Who next? The apostles? People who were tortured mercilessly and martyred either for being Christian, or for standing against a corrupt worldly organisation that claimed to be effectively God’s kingdom on Earth? The hundreds of thousands butchered throughout history (or was it indeed millions?) for not being members of that organisation?
And where would we slot in martyred missionaries (including those belonging to the above organisation) who travelled to heathen climes in the honest personal belief that they would bring benefit to those to whom they went? They would include the Jesuit missionaries Jean de Brébeuf and Gabriel Lalemant in (what is now) Canada, and the five men killed by the Huaorani (Auca) tribe they were trying to convert in the Ecuadorian jungle – Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint, and Roger Youderian.
Definitely not high on Pedrito’s list would be the names presented by MoreCoffee to trigger thought – many of whom were guilty of persecution themselves, or guilty of the deliberate slaughter of people for personal aggrandisement.
The World’s rating scales should not be ours.
So would it be wrong for Pedrito to start filling third place onwards with say, the heroes of faith from Hebrews Chapter 11?