Funny, yet the accompanying lists on the right on the youtube channel are rife w sex/sexual innuendos, which I myself am not overly opposed to, and I think many ppl are much too uptight and prudish anyway, and any relationship (for me) would have to be w a gf/wife who isnt all turned off and repulsed by a little 'racy' or 'off-color' humor, or sex, which is a gift from God, imo ...
But anyway, Ive been chastised by others and had some nasty things said to me for much the same type of humor in the past.
There WERE some pretty revealing vids posted there w that youtube, some scantily-clad and pretty obvious innuendos that Im a bit surprised about for christian comedy (again, Im not protesting), but sometimes in my personal life I get conflicting messages and as a christian, it can get a bit confusing trying to figure out sometimes what is somewhat inappropriate, what is just fine, or what is foul disgusting horrible sin that I should be terribly ashamed of and should be doomed to being single and alone forever for being so sick and perverted!
(I know...sounds extreme...but its really not that far off. There are some strange views and accusations out there in the world) I recall an instance where a particular guy could say pretty much whatever he wanted, and the gals would giggle silly and say 'OhStop your So naughty, giggle giggle'.... but if I made the slightest comment which might have a double-meaning, and raised my eyebrows like Groucho Marx, you might think I just threatened to rape their children and pets or something! Oy! There really does seem to be some major inconsistencies and double-standards out there all over the place
Meanwhile, the babes in bikinis pic hilighting the one vid, for example, might make for an interesting thread discussion. :disgonbegood: