As they note, these were worshipped as gods. But the curriculum seems to use them to represent ideals. That is a problem, but the problem isn't having students pray to a pagan god. First, if it's intended to be part of looking at the Aztecs, it is probably a misrepresentation of actual Aztec practice. If the intent is ethnic studies, that refers to current people. There has been a movement in Mexico to appropriate Aztec symbols, though presumably not the actual practice of the Aztec religion. It's that kind of appropriation of symbols that the chant represents. If the chant comes from an actual current ethnic group, it might be an interesting example of how that kind of modern reappropriation of symbols is done. If it's something the currulum writers made up to represent their own new agey views, I have a problem with it. But not because it's practicing the Aztec religion. As I've only seen what amount to headlines, I can't really judge the proposed curriculum. I can only be suspicious.