I'm sure MOST wouldn't call me "old" but....
I've shared this before here. There's a boy next door (actually, he graduated from high school last June and now is in college). He was on the basketball team and has a hoop on the garage. There's not many teens in our complex (lots of little kids; few teens) and so he had a problem of finding someone with whom to play a bit of "one-on-one." So he knocked on my door. I was up for it (sometimes). BUT I soon realized his strategy... he simply kept me going for as long as it took to wear me out, THEN - pow - clobbered me. This caused my wife to laugh and say not-welcomed things. He used his youth (and my, well, I don't say it) to his advantage. SO, I said I'd play a fun game of one-on-one for 15 minutes. Ah, not long enough for his strategy to work. And we had a good game.