Interesting thoughts, I seem to agree with Josiah’s sister. At least for the near future biology and technology is merging so fast that it’s difficult to keep up with the possibilities. From bionic eyes that let the blind see, to implanted contraptions that mimic organs that allow life to continue. To a person that can compete at an Olympic level without legs as a runner. I myself benefit from a Bluetooth insulin pump that is being upgraded to a smart device, actually it’s on the FedEx truck as I write this. I no longer test myself or administer insulin, the transmitter sends my data to my doctor and they can adjust. It soon will be without any intervention from me or the doctor (it can do it now) as they upgrade and it because smarter and more intelligent but I think it’s like the self-driven car, I couldn’t just send it to get an oil change by itself because some of us are worried about giving up total control, that’s the scary part.