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  1. zecryphon_nomdiv

    Advent Devotions
  2. zecryphon_nomdiv

    Luther's Morning & Evening Prayers

    [emoji120] Luther's Morning Prayers 1] In the morning, when you rise, you shall bless yourself with the holy cross and say: [emoji3583] In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 2] Then, kneeling or standing, repeat the Creed. II. The Creed I believe in God the...
  3. zecryphon_nomdiv

    The Literary Lutheran Reads The Narrow Lutheran Middle

    Hi, today we start a new book. I posted a poll asking my viewers which book my viewers they would like me to read next. The winner was: The Narrow Lutheran Middle by Daniel M. Deutschlander. So here is the first video.
  4. zecryphon_nomdiv

    The Literary Lutheran Reads: Proverbs

    [emoji248] Happy Hump Day! Today The Literary Lutheran Reads starts a new series. For the next 31 week days we will read the book of Proverbs. We will read a chapter a day. I will be using Beck's An American Translation for this. The English Standard Version just doesn't read smoothly to me.
  5. zecryphon_nomdiv

    Prayers appreciated

    Would you pray for me? I'm having heart ablation surgery to treat my A-Fib and would appreciate prayers for a successful surgery and recovery. Thank you. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  6. zecryphon_nomdiv

    WELS Daily Devotions

    Not So With You – March 26, 2020 Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  7. zecryphon_nomdiv

    The Literary Lutheran: Reading The Psalms With Luther

    [emoji433] Happy New Year! Today is the start of a new video series, The Psalter. Here is the first episode.
  8. zecryphon_nomdiv

    Christmas Music

    This thread is a place for everyone to share their favorite Christmas songs. Nothing is off-limits and to prove it we start with this classic by Rob Halford. Merry Christmas everyone!
  9. zecryphon_nomdiv

    Advent Readings

    [emoji2732]Tonight is the first night of Advent and to celebrate, The Literary Lutheran will be reading the Gospel of Luke. Here is tonight's reading.
  10. zecryphon_nomdiv

    Luther's Morning & Evening Prayers

    [emoji120] Luther's Morning Prayers 1] In the morning, when you rise, you shall bless yourself with the holy cross and say: [emoji3583] In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 2] Then, kneeling or standing, repeat the Creed. II. The Creed I believe in God the...
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