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  1. Confessional Lutheran

    Georgian Orthodox Church: Eastern or Oriental Orthodox?

    An idle question, but not maybe a bad one: is the Georgian Orthodox Church Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox? Is the difference between the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox simply that of nomenclature, or are there serious theological disagreements as well?
  2. Confessional Lutheran

    Lutheran Only Lutherans: How can We do Better? I'm the first person in my family since my 3X great grandmother, Frances Montgomery Steinbrenner ( 1812- 1845) to be a Lutheran and I'm a convert. Nor is that story a unique one to my family. How can...
  3. Confessional Lutheran

    Why Become Protestant if You're Catholic?

    I'd like to tell a couple of stories. I'll go back three generations to my great- grandmother, Marie Elodie Pecot ( 1887- 1967) for the first story. My great - grandmother was born in Charenton, Louisiana, to a French- speaking, devoutly Catholic family. When she was in her teenaged years, her...
  4. Confessional Lutheran

    Lizzie is converting

  5. Confessional Lutheran

    Getting Ready for sem.

    I'm sorry I haven't been around as much, but I've been going through quite a bit of business regarding my application to Concordia- St. Louis. I need to take my Graduate Record exam ( studying), my Entry Level Competency Exam ( ordering the proper books and studying those) and I need to register...
  6. Confessional Lutheran

    The Official Teachings of The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod The above provided websites are as good resources as I can think of to begin a discussion dealing with the LCMS's official doctrine. The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod is a Confessional Lutheran Church that propagates the...
  7. Confessional Lutheran

    Snake Handling Churches

    Snake- Handling is a phenomenon that gained currency in parts of Appalachia, particularly as an expression of Christian devotion. This link will speak of the faith movement that has spawned today's churches that still use poisonous snakes in their services...
  8. Confessional Lutheran

    Today's Appellations, Yesterday's Taunts

    I've noticed and think it interesting that so many denominational labels today are the results of yesterday's taunts by those outside the faith being described. Martin Luther did not want his movement named after him, but his opponents kept insisting on calling his disciples after him. After...
  9. Confessional Lutheran

    ( Insert Church here) by Choice and Why Thread

    Hey, I'm just going to post this real quick before I go to work. I'll get into it in more detail later, but I am a member of a Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod church as an answer to prayer. I was looking for a Biblically based, liturgical church whose doctrine didn't deviate from area to area...
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